
DVS-200 is a revolutionary streaming platform allowing the user to encode, transcode, record and deliver real time video to multiple devices. DVS-200 comes as a software package or as a fully catered turnkey solution. The only thing you need to do is hook up your sources and start broadcasting.
DVS-200 enables you to encode, decode, record, transcode and deliver your stream to a wide audience. For instance when you want to deliver your presentation to a multitude of devices, in a multitude of qualities on a multitude of platforms. DVS-200 gives you the power to send out streams to mobile phones, different streams to computer based users and again different streams to users on Facebook or Youtube, all in real time.
DVS-200 can handle multiple ingestions at the same time, making it a multi channel recorder as well. The recorded content can be saved on the local hard drive and can be viewed through VOD later. DVS-200 is the first streaming/media delivery platform that brings the user so much freedom and flexibility
Your presentations and live events can be delivered directly from the source to the screens of your viewers no matter what device they use. The hosted web player supports all mobile and desktop devices, or use the optional NVD-30 decoders unique set to box mode for a true IPTV experience.